

We talk about things you may be interested in


Assessing impact- foundation for good strategic planning

Assessing impact- foundation for good strategic planning

Having undertaken a number of reviews and service impact assessments in recent months, their value in strategic planning and decision making is obvious. Impact assessments aim to gather data from a range of stakeholders so that you can better understand the personal,...

Coaching self through worry

Coaching self through worry

We all worry in different ways and about different things at different times. I am referring to ‘every day’ worry, the kind that is more about ‘short-term’ concerns, thoughts, which can be resolved by problem solving. I am not referring to ‘anxiety’, a deeper worry...

In or On, that is the question!

In or On, that is the question!

I was working recently with a management team to improve implementation of their new strategy when a reason given for little progress was, ‘we’re too busy doing the job, we don’t have time for strategy’. In conversation, a CEO of a state organisation attributed,...

New Beginnings -Taking the Past with Us

New Beginnings -Taking the Past with Us

Recently I shared a post about Dublin Civic Trust receiving an ‘exemplary achievement’ from the 2021 European Heritage/ Europa Nostra awards. Since then, I have reflected on what lessons can we learn from this that are relevant to organisational life. As a society...

Collaboration – a spark for innovation

Collaboration – a spark for innovation

Have you ever had that situation where you’re chatting away with someone and something you say sparks a thought for them and they in turn spark a better thought in you and then you’re both laughing and saying it together ‘yeah that’s a great idea’? And so it can be in...

Building Collaborative Capabilities

Building Collaborative Capabilities

Taking a collaborative approach to how we work needs to become more of a norm, if organisations wish to retain a competitive advantage in a post pandemic marketplace or if we, as a society want to grapple better with many of the complex, unresolved social issues we...

Collaboration is Hard but Worth It!

Collaboration is Hard but Worth It!

From working with hundreds of teams, individuals and a wide range of organisations, I can attest to the multiple benefits of collaboration. Collaboration can be an effective and sustainable process for ground-breaking problem solving and change through building...

The Power of Purpose

The Power of Purpose

New year resolutions can often trickle out just as the first days of spring appear. Yet, these early days of spring are invigorating and a great time to refocus on goals. I always feel that there is still much time to follow through on commitments but I am grateful...

Looking Back to Focus Forward

Looking Back to Focus Forward

On the cusp of 2021, what sort of vision does 2020 give you?  Where are you at in terms of your goals and achievements for this year and your focus for the future? Reflecting on progress and self-practice is a critical element of leadership and personal development....

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